Projects BIOTECH
Development of an integrated genotipification platform for bioprospection of candidate genes in MERCOSUR Eucalyptus´ germoplasm.
General objective:
The groups will work on experiments based on two advanced genomic strategies such as genetic mapping and association mapping to determine the genetic basis of interesting phenotypic properties useful in the selection Eucalyptus plantations for industrial Wood and for energy production.
Total cost: €656.858. subsidized: €558.329
Asociated Institutions:
• Instituto de Biotecnología INTA (ARGENTINA)
• Garruchos SA (ARGENTINA)
• Unidad Recursos Genéticos y Biotecnología-EMBRAPA. (BRASIL)
• Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias/ Universidad Nacional de Asunción (PARAGUAY)
• Centro Multidisciplinario de Investigaciones Tecnológicas (PARAGUAY)
• Desarrollos Madereros SA (PARAGUAY)
• Mundial Forestación SA (URUGUAY)
Integrated Mercosur´s Genomic Approach for the prospection genes involved in the response to biotic and abiotic stress.
General objective:
The general objective of the project is to characterize genes and/or technologies, derived from the functional analysis of genes, capable of adding value to soybean cultures which are under hidryc stress or sanitary stress. The project will operate by articulating a network of private and public research in the MERCOSUR in a framework of social, economiv and environmental sustainability.
Total cost: €882.350. subsidized: €750.000
Asociated Institutions:
• EMBRAPA (Brasil)
• UFRGS (Brasil)
• DIA-CRIA (Paraguay)
• FCQ-UNA (Paraguay)
• INBIO (Paraguay)
• INIA (Uruguay)
• UDELAR (Uruguay)
• IIBCE (Uruguay)
• FCEN-UBA (Argentina)
• CONICET (Argentina)
• INTA: Castelar; Manfredi, Balcarce, IFFIVE (Argentina)
• EEAOC: Granos, Fitopatología, Biotecnología (Argentina)