Projects BIOTECH
Strengthening of the regional Poultry and Fowl health status using applied biotechnology tools for the development of diagnostic methods and for epidemiological information in the control of the Avian pathogens of commercial importance and or with implications for health.
General objective:
The project has the general objective of strengthening the Fowl/poultry sanitary status in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay through the application of biotechnology oriented to increase the Epidemiological Vigilance in Avian Flu, Newcastle, Salmonellosis and Campylobacteriosis.
Total cost: €638.400. Subvencionado: €492.320
Asociated Institutions:
• INTA – Argentina EEA Balcarce (Horacio Terzolo) - Inst. de Virología (Ariel Pereda)
• Universidad de la República – Uruguay Facultad de Medicina (Alejandro Chabalgoity) - Facultad de Ciencias (Rubén Perez)
• Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil Fac. De Med. Veterinaria (Vladimir Pinheiro do Nascimento)
• SENACSA – Paraguay - Programa Nac de Aves (Nelida Galeano Ydoyaga), Dirección de Laboratorios (Nelly Ortiz)
• Delamer SRL- Argentina
• ANLISS Dr. Carlos G Malbrán- Argentina
• Wildlife Conservation Society
• Instituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie
Application of Functional genomics and other Biotech tools for the development and control of vaccines against foot and mouth disease virus.
General objective:
The general objective is to contribute to the improvement of the international positioning of MERCOSUR´s vaccine manufacturers by incorporating cutting edge technology to the process of development, manufacture and control of the vaccines.
Total cost: €496.698 subsidized: €418.588
Asociated Institutions:
• Fac. de Medicina, URUGUAY
• Fund. Instituto Leloir, ARGENTINA
• Inmunova SA, ARGENTINA
• Fac. Cs. Veterinarias, PARAGUAY
• Biogénesis-Bagó SA, ARGENTINA
• Univ. Federal de Rio de Janeiro, BRASIL
• Insitut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques & Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire. FRANCIA
Biotech strategies for the control of bacterial, viral and intracelular protozoan diseases in bovine cattle of the MERCOSUR region.
General objective:
Generation and evaluation of experimental vaccines against bovine tuberculosis and paratuberculosis.(TTB) and (PTB). Development of multiple pathogen macroarrays for the diagnostics of Bovine diseases that pose a human health risk, cause abortions and are advancing in the Mercosur región. These diseases will be TB, PTB, Brucellosis, Leptospirosis, Bovine Viral diarrhoea, Babesiosis, Neosporosis, Anaplasmosis.
Total cost: € 879.340 subsidized: €747
Associated Institutions:
• Centro de Biotecnología, Universidad Federal de Pelotas. BRASIL
• Facultad de Cs Veterinarias. Universidad de Asunción. PARAGUAY
• Facultad de Cs Veterinarias. Universidad de la República. URUGUAY
• Instituto de Biotecnología. INTA. ARGENTINA
• Laboratorio Colón SA. ARGENTINA